Acupuncture for Weight Loss

Weight Loss with Traditional Chinese Technique of Acupuncture

Simple and Effective

An all natural and time-tested procedure providing the needed boost on your weight loss journey. 


“This is GREAT! I tried to loss weight on my own before. That worked to an extend and then I am stuck. It stuck long and I feel defeated. I decided to give acupuncture a try. In just one short treatment course, the change (shrinking, smoothing, and flattening) I witness at my belly is quite exciting. I weight 3kg less on the scale. This isn’t it yet, Gary said I can definitely slim further if we continue. I can’t wait to see the result after my 2nd course ” G P. (Alias)
This could be the next you
We are currently looking for volunteers to participate our acupuncture weight loss program. For $415.8 you will receive a treatment course of 8 acupuncture weight loss sessions (Reg price of $831.6), given you allow us to use the before and after picture for marketing purposes. Only 0 spots is left. Contact us to setup an free assessment with Gary to discuss the details. (Contact for latest update)